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THE RADIANT JUSTICE CHAMBERS, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY⚖️   LEGAL NUGGETS   ESCROW   -Escrow is the use of a third party, which holds an asset or funds before they are transferred from one party to another. -The third-party holds the funds until both parties have fulfilled their contractual requirements. - Escrow is associated with real estate transactions, but it can apply to any situation where funds will pass from one party to another. Other contexts that use escrow include Internet transactions, banking, intellectual property, real estate, mergers and acquisitions, and law, and many more.     FROM THE DIRECTORATE OF LITIGATION AND RESEARCH.

Weekly Legal Nuggets

THE RADIANT JUSTICE CHAMBERS, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY⚖️   LEGAL NUGGETS   ✓ An accessory is connected to a crime but does not actually participate in the commission of the crime. ✓A person is guilty of being an acessory after the fact if he learns of the crime after it is committed and helps the criminal to conceal it, aids the criminal in escaping, or simply fails to report the crime. ✓ In addendum, the law states that;   "Accessorium non ducit sed sequitur suum principale " that is,  " An accessory does not draw, but follows its principal." ✓ This principle translates to the fact that one who is an accessory to a crime cannot be guilty of a more serious crime than the principal offender. The principal offender(s) is the one who does the act or makes the omission which constitutes the actual offence.    FROM THE DIRECTORATE OF LITIGATION AND RESEARCH .

Weekly Legal Nuggets

THE RADIANT JUSTICE CHAMBERS, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY⚖️ WEEKLY LEGAL NUGGETS DEMURRER A formal response to a complaint filed in a lawsuit, pleading for dismissal and saying, in effect, that even if the facts are true, there is no legal basis for a lawsuit. The judge can agree and “leave to amend,” giving the claimant the opportunity to amend the complaint. If it is not amended to the judge’s satisfaction, the demurrer is granted. Typically, the defendant in a case will demur to the complaint, but it is also possible for the plaintiff to demur to an answer. The demurrer challenges the legal sufficiency of a cause of action in a complaint or of an affirmative defense in an answer. If a cause of action in a complaint does not state a cognizable claim (e.g., the claim is nonsense) or if it does not state all the required elements, then the challenged cause of action or possibly the entire complaint can be thrown out (informally speaking) at the demurrer stage as not leg...

Weekly Legal Nuggets

THE RADIANT JUSTICE CHAMBERS, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY⚖️ LEGAL NUGGETS   CONTINUANCE A continuance is a grant of additional preparation time before or during a trial. Either the prosecution or the defense can request a continuance, and sometimes even the court can order a continuance of its own accord. Lawyers typically seek continuances because they want more time to prepare for trial. but they don't always get them. Circumstances that would warrant a continuance include:  °Changes to the Indictment or Information  °When a defendant wants to change their defense attorney for another  °Surprise Witnesses or Evidence °Surprise Testimony.   FROM THE DIRECTORATE OF RESEARCH AND LITIGATION

Weekly Legal Nuggets

THE RADIANT JUSTICE CHAMBERS, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY⚖️   LEGAL NUGGETS DUE DILIGENCE  Due diligence became a common practice in the U.S with the passage of the Securities Act of 1933. With that law, securities dealers and brokers became responsible for fully disclosing material information about the instruments they were selling. Failing to disclose this information to potential investors made dealers and brokers liable for criminal prosecution. The writers of the act recognized that requiring full disclosure left dealers and brokers vulnerable to unfair prosecution for failing to disclose a material fact they did not possess or could not have known at the time of sale. Thus, the act included a legal defense: As long as the dealers and brokers exercised "due diligence" when investigating the companies whose equities they were selling, and fully disclosed the results, they could not be held liable for information that was not discovered during the investigatio...


THE RADIANT JUSTICE CHAMBERS, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY⚖️   LEGAL NUGGETS Depositions are a part of the discovery process in which litigants gather information in preparation for a trial. A deponent is a person who deposes ( that is, testifies or makes oath in writing) to the truth of certain facts. These facts are reduced to writing and contain the signature of the deponent. This sworn statement in writing is also known as an Affidavit . A deponent could be a witness; especially someone who gives evidence under oath, in a deposition concerning facts known to him or her.   FROM THE DIRECTORATE OF LITIGATION AND RESEARCH.


Time - Agbonyin Victoria  Time Oh ageless icon! Dear to everyone  Like the heart is to the soul Tick tock tick tock Your popular anthem known by all Just like water, no one can get a hold of you Everyone wants more of you But the sad truth is, you are never enough You are held in high esteem by every man Yet you wait for no man Always running with those fast wings of yours The best friend and greatest enemy man have got Sometimes you are there by his side Another time you are running against him Oh ageless icon! A gift that can never be done away with Son of man seems to be at logger heads with you I guess the war continues Till the silent taker -death comes between you.                                                                           Melody writes✍️ I am Agbonyin Victoria ...