BREAK THE BIAS: A TRIBUTE TO INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY. "Why does the 8th of March get so much hype?" This thought has probably crossed your mind when you see the annual women's day celebration mentioned on social media. After reading this, You might appreciate the International women's day a little better. The theme of this year's International women's day campaign is: breaking the bias—this is about working towards an inclusive world free of stereotypes and discrimination. Which got us thinking, what exactly led to the idea of breaking the bias? When were women prompted to rise and challenge a vastly patriarchal world? This article reflects the starting point, the journey, as a tribute to the extraordinary strides of women toward achieving gender parity. Although the seed for celebrating international women's day was sown way before then, The first IWD was observed in 1911. Prior to this, 15,000 women marched in New York City, deman...
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