THE RADIANT JUSTICE CHAMBERS, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY. LEGAL NUGGETS⚖️ CERTIORARI Certiorari is a Latin word meaning " to be informed of" . A proceeding by writ of certiorari is a special proceeding by which a superior or appellate court requires some inferior tribunal, board, judicial officer or government agency to transmit the record of its proceedings for judicial review. By denying such a writ, the court is saying it will let the lower court decision stand, particularly if it conforms to accepted precedents (previously decided cases). In the case of Pharmaceutical Society Of Nigeria (PSN ) V. The President , it was argued that the Writ of Certiorari is one of the instruments of judicial control of administrative action and it will apply where an administrative body purports to usurp judicial functions. FROM THE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF LITIGATION AND RESEARCH
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